Three-column integral table

By Stefan Nikolaj on July 28, 2024. Tags: math.

For my university math course, I needed to make a cheat sheet with some common integrals and derivatives. I remember once seeing a table of functions with their integrals and derivatives, but I couldn’t find it again, so I made it again with the functions I found myself using the most. Below is a screenshot of the table (because I couldn’t find an easy way to embed Obsidian’s Markdown-LaTeX mix) and an unrendered LaTeX version. In the table, k and n are constants. For increased readability, you can replace k with 1.


Unrendered LaTeX version:

$ksec^{2}(kx)$$tan(kx)$$\frac{1}{k}ln(sec(kx))$ or $-\frac{1}{k}ln(cos(kx))$
$-kcsc^{2}(kx)$$cot(kx)$$\frac{1}{k}ln(sin(kx))$ or $-\frac{1}{k}ln(csc(kx))$
$-kcot(kx)csc(kx)$$csc(kx)$$\frac{1}{k}ln(csc(kx)-cot(kx))$ or
$\frac{1}{k}(ln(sin(\frac{kx}{2})) -ln(cos(\frac{kx}{2})))$
$\frac{1}{x^{2}-a^{2}}$$\frac{1}{2a}ln \frac{x-a}{x+a}$/
$2sin(x)cos(x)$$sin^{2}(x)$$\frac{1}{2}(x-sin(x)cos(x))$ or $\frac{x}{2}-\frac{1}{4}sin(2x)$
$-2sin(x)cos(x)$$cos^{2}(x)$$\frac{1}{2}(x+sin(x)cos(x))$ or $\frac{x}{2}+\frac{1}{4}sin(2x)$

Table of contents: